Long on my to do list, I finally completed a couple of these very nice Perry supply wagons. In addition to being nice scenery pieces, they are very useful for objectives in scenarios, such as many in Michael Hopper's scenario books. And of course some rulesets also have rules for them, e.g. as markers of reformation areas.
And a You Tube video of them also.
The canopies and the main body of the wagon are now cast in resin, with the axles, wheels and yoke, horses and crew in metal. Each has a Driver and Cantinière as crew.
I wasn't sure what colour to do the horse furniture, as my other French Napoleonic wagons have much of it in white, but the wagons are shown with black on the Perry site so that is what I went with. I imagine such details varied a great deal in any case over the course of time. A detail I really like on these is that the metal traces on the yolk actually match up with the harness on the horses, rather than having to make this rope detail yourself.
The canopies are optional, and sit in place nicely without gluing so I have left them removable. The wagons are otherwise filled with a range of chests and tarpaulins. and a greatcoat slung over the rear chest. So they were not identical looking, I instead did some extra tarpaulins on the bottom one in pic below, out of green stuff. Not the finest work in existence but passable. These together with the canopies I painted in a yellowed linen colour.
One other detail with these kits, is that they came with an extra piece (circled), that is just a duplicate of the bit now included in the resin sculpt on the underside of the wagon. Previously when the wagon was metal rather than resin you had to glue it on. So you don't actually need this piece which caused me some confusion until people on the The Napoleonic Wargamer Facebook group pointed this out, thanks again!