Friday, 21 March 2025

Austrian Kuirassiers - Perry 28mm

Week 5 of Friday backlog posting. Following on from last weeks Austrian Chevauleger, here are 32 Austrian Kuirassiers, once again from the newish Austrian Cavalry plastic box sets. Plus the free metal Colonel that comes if you buy 3 or more boxes.

This is the same great kit that makes Dragoons and Chevaulegers with the armoured torso being used for the Kuirassiers. Austrian Kuirassier armour was black, but I've painted them with a dark gunmetal to give them a slight metallic sheen and compensate for the scale and lighting issues (i.e. common need to lighten colours as scale become smaller).
A closer look at the pewter metal colonel. Nice to have another command figure, and one too where the sword isn't in one of those extended prone to breakage positions!
Thanks for looking. That's twenty units of cavalry for the Austrians now, totalling 248 figures.
Six Kuirassier, six Dragoon/Chevauleger, six Hussar, and two Uhlan units. 
More Napoleonics next Friday. :)

Friday, 14 March 2025

Austrian Chevauleger - Perry 28mm

Friday again and week 4 of the backlog posting. Here are two regiments of Austrian Chevauleger, this time in the green coat, and for something a bit different I've also done these without the combs on their helmets. 

This is the "new" plastic Austrian Cavalry set from Perry that lets you make Chevauleger, Dragoons or Cuirassiers. Wish this had come out before I had already painted up 8 such units in the more expensive pewter already, but better late than never! :)


The plumes were apparently left off sometimes by lighter cavalry especially, which I didn't realise until Perry released this set.
This means they just have the brass helmet holder into which the comb fitted. Not as flashy, but more practical for the sort of scouting work light cavalry were doing I suppose!

Thanks for looking and more next week :)

More Austrian cavalry in white with the usual plumes can be found here.

Friday, 7 March 2025

French Hussars 2 - Perry 28mm

Another Friday and week 3 of the backlog posting! Next up is two units of French Hussars, the 7th and 11th regiments. Perry kits once more. Hussars are typically the most challenging of Napoleonic units to paint due to all the lace, but the uniforms are impressive. The first units I posted to this blog were the 5th and 9th Hussars back in 2013, so it's taken some time to get around to adding more French Hussars. I also seem to have a thing for the odd numbered regiments!

11th Hussars with an attractive dark blue uniform with white trim on the pelisse, and red plumes.

And the 7th Hussars, with their green dolman and pelisse and red trousers, and red over white plume.

Thanks for looking and more Napoleonics next Friday :)
And in the meantime if you want to see even more Hussars, there are also my six Austrian regiments!