Showing posts with label French Cavalry Carabiniers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French Cavalry Carabiniers. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 December 2017

French Carabiniers - 28mm Perry

Carabiniers - one of my favourite French uniforms with the white, red, and gold/brass helmet and breastplate combination standing out, especially in combination with the large black warhorses they rode. Another ten added bringing the total to two dozen.

This 1810-14 uniform is my favourite variant of the Carabinier uniform. In 1815 they wore blue coats, and pre-1810 they were unarmoured and wearing a blue coat with red facings and a bearskin hat.


For reference, here's the pre-1810 uniform.  Napoleon discarded this due to concern about casualties suffered in the 1809 campaign - particularly against Austrian Uhlans at Wagram where the Carabiniers suffered many lance wounds and lack of armour was perceived to be a weakness.

The 1810-1814 Uniform. The 1815 uniform was identical but with a light blue coat.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

French Carabiniers 28mm Perry

Carabiniers finished. Lovely models again from Perry. Together with two regiments of Cuirassiers this will represent the Heavy Cavalry Division of 2nd Cavalry Corp at our upcoming refight of Leipzig. It's probable that many of them had light blue rather than white coats by this time, but I prefer the look of the earlier white coat. The flag is just one I printed from Napflag. I'll add some pictures of the two Cuirassier regiments when I get a chance.

Despite their name I've also left their carbines off for now, on the basis that apparently many French heavy cavalry saw them as cumbersome and cowardly weapons and discarded them or just used pistols. I may add them at a later date though. I understand the Carabiniers also resisted the idea of armour at first, regarding it as cowardly and an insult to their honour!

Next on the painting table, three regiments of Chasseurs and one of Lancers.