I've previously mentioned on this blog the excellent 'Wars of Coalition' podcast by Mark Jessop, which I've enjoyed listening to as I'm painting. I was privileged enough to be interviewed by him for the most recent episode! Listen as we chat about Napoleonics, painting, wargaming, psychology and so on at the following link:
The Wars of Coalition podcast is "An Historical Chronicle of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, for the years 1792-1815; and of the USA for the years 1775 to 1975."
There are 171 episodes so far, and it looks like my interview will be the last episode for a few months as Mark Jessop is doing some travelling and research, and he also has a book deal to work on! Congratulations Mark!
An episode list of the War on Land series is here:
An episode list of the War at Sea series is here:
The Wars of Coalition podcast also has a dozen previous interviews here: