Saturday, 2 November 2013

Reinforcements - Austrians

I decided to pick up some Perry Austrians just before the recent price increase - this lot should keep me busy for a while! 8 infantry boxes plus some extra command sprues, 8 Line Artillery, 6 Cavalry Guns, 36 Hussars, Generals and a few other bits and pieces. Perry have just released their Austrian Cuirassiers so I'll get some of those too, and I also want some Uhlans and Jaegers but they don't make these yet.  As for my French I'm planning basic organisation around Lasalle lists, but able to be used for Blackpowder or whatever other Napoleonic rules we end up using.

Here's one of the Austrian Limbers - how the heck do those 4 little bits, and the cross beam above them go together? Time to ask the knowledgeable folks at TMP I think... or please comment below if you have any helpful ideas or links!

Also picked up some French Dragoons to round out my French cavalry! That will make 12 regiments of French cavalry, and might allow myself a couple of Guard regiments once those are done!


  1. That is an impressive pile of lead and plastic Mark! I do like the Austrians but I think a bit too much white for me to paint!

  2. Thanks guys and yes Rodger all that white is intimidating!

  3. Good luck with the white uniforms, I hate painting them!!


  4. Mark, thanks so much for your comment on my site. It led me to yours and I am so glad I found it. Your figures are beautifully done. The Leipzig game account was terrific. What a great event. Thank you for sharing your figures with the rest of us.

  5. Thanks Winser! I love getting inspiration from your site and others.

  6. limbers Assembly -

    1. Thank you very much for your reply, very helpful and great work!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
