Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Battle of Caldiero 1805 - French Deployment

The French have arrived! Continuing setup of the Caldiero game from yesterday's Austrian deployment.

Similar numbers to the Austrians with over 1000 infantry, 144 cavalry and 24 guns, though with a much higher ratio of light infantry and horse artillery. The Austrians have six heavy artillery and 20 mediums, the French have 4 heavy artillery, 8 medium and 12 horse.

As for the Austrians, my French are in later uniform so all shakos and not a bicorne in sight. Some of the Young and Middle Guard are representing the combined Grenadier units in reserve. A battery of Polish horse artillery is included to make up numbers of these, but they could be mistaken for Italian if you don't look too closely. The rest is French plus few Italians.

Celebrating the new year in the sunshine in our garden today (or rather in the shade, as it was a  stinking hot 31 degrees!), the wife and I opened a bottle of champagne which was a wedding present  a few years ago. An appropriate accompaniment to French deployment too of course :)

Central brigades containing many veteran light infantry, and battery of heavy artillery,  ready to attack Caldiero (the church).

 Below, some sappers in these central commands near the generals, will help with assaults.

French reserves - Grenadiers, some Italians, plentiful Dragoons and Chasseurs, 24 Cuirassiers, three horse artillery batteries.  Unlike the Austrian reserves, these will all be arriving promptly, so resisting this pressure may be more of a challenge for the Austrians than I was reckoning.

Battle set for the morrow...


  1. Lovely stuff Mark, and no wonder you needed a few more staff figures. A bottle of Veuve in the sunshine is always a lovely way to toast the New Year but, in my case at least, guaranteed to put me on the couch for a nap around 3pm.

    1. Thank you Lawrence and yes a wee nap was required... :)

  2. Mark! This a table load of 28s, no doubt! I look forward to following for Caldiero battle.

  3. Sounds great...Waiting for next step!

  4. Looking sensational Mark. Love the detail in all your units and the scale of this battle is incredible.

    1. Thanks Carlo, nice to have them all on the table!

  5. Awesome, Mark. I think you have about as many figures as we had for our huge Borodino and Wagram games!

    1. Thank you Peter, Wagram is on the list to do :)

  6. Great to see the toys out for a game!
    Caldiero has always drawn me since first reading about in a Shako 2 scenario book - Rise of Eagles possibly? It's a biggy!!!
    Hope you have fun & enjoy the bubbles.
    Happy New Year,

    1. Thanks Jeremy and happy new year, yes Rise of Eagles was the scenario for this one.
