Friday, 21 February 2025

French Chasseurs - Perry 28mm

I have quite a backlog of units painted over the last year, so spent a few hours last weekend taking photos and uploading them. I'll post new units every Friday or Saturday, once I've written something explaining what they are, and should have the backlog cleared after three months or so! So stay tuned if you want to see a range of French Empire and Austrian units, including some more unusual pieces amongst them.

I'll start things off though, with more of my favourite Napoleonic unit (hence title of this blog!). Here are two new French Chasseur units, looking very pretty wearing more of a dress rather than campaign uniform. These are from the new(ish), plastic box set from Perry, which is superb with many different options available. 

I've done these as the 7th  and 13th regiments. Here's some pics of the 13th in their orange facings.  

And the 7th with pink facings.

Another excellent Perry kit which also comes with a full colour complete painting and modelling guide for French Chasseurs. Note you get 14 cavalry in each kit, though I've only done up 12 per unit which is my standard number for cavalry. You can also see the Perry metal Chasseurs in campaign uniform, which I painted up over ten years ago now, in this previous post.   The plastic Chasseur kit comes with option to do campaign or full dress uniform and uniform features spanning from early to late Napoleonic period.


  1. These look terrific, the contrasting facing colours and the trumpeters' coats really stand out. They fit your blog name too!
    Appreciate your sharing the photos

  2. Great looking figures. The plastic kits have a great look painted up.. I like the variety available in them,, as you mentioned. . Look forward to seeing your backlog in photos. .

  3. Very nice indeed, crisply painted, they look great, superb!

  4. Great work Mark. I always think the pink facings give a real lift to chassuer (and dragoon) uniforms. Lovely stuff.

  5. Agreed facing colours like this are great! Cheers Lawrence

  6. Excellent to hear you'll be back to regular posting, two chasseur units up to your usual superb standard, I really like the pink facing colour, I'm actually painting a pink faced dragoon unit with a campaign look, mainly using spare torso's from the chasseurs kit which I think is one of the Perry's best!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain yes the spares are nice to have in these kits!
