Friday, 7 March 2025

French Hussars 2 - Perry 28mm

Another Friday and week 3 of the backlog posting! Next up is two units of French Hussars, the 7th and 11th regiments. Perry kits once more. Hussars are typically the most challenging of Napoleonic units to paint due to all the lace, but the uniforms are impressive. The first units I posted to this blog were the 5th and 9th Hussars back in 2013, so it's taken some time to get around to adding more French Hussars. I also seem to have a thing for the odd numbered regiments!

11th Hussars with an attractive dark blue uniform with white trim on the pelisse, and red plumes.

And the 7th Hussars, with their green dolman and pelisse and red trousers, and red over white plume.

Thanks for looking and more Napoleonics next Friday :)
And in the meantime if you want to see even more Hussars, there are also my six Austrian regiments!


  1. Very nice indeed, cracking work on them, Hussar uniforms always look so dashing, great additions to your growing army.

  2. Tremendous - there's nothing quite like hussars. I did go and look at your Austrians too. Why don't high street art shops carry more paintings of hussars?

  3. Glorious! I too am clearing the painting decks and finishing a few things before embarking on three squadrons of Austrian SYW hussars, about 40 figures in all. I know, I know. . .

    Kind Regards,

    Stokes (Michigan, USA)

    1. Many thanks and good luck with the SYW ones!

  4. The one thing that surprised me about French Hussar uniforms when I did a few units some years ago is that a few of them are rather plain. That's not the case here though. Beautiful work Mark.

    1. Cheers Lawrence, yes the 2nd in brown dolman and 3rd in grey have a rep for that, but I think might look pretty good with some care :)

  5. Gorgeous work as always! A lovely pair of French hussar units, I seem to be favouring the odd numbers too as I have done the 9th and the 5th and am planning on doing the 7th( to complete the brigade infernale) I've got my first half painted Austrian hussar unit at home, I'm sure you can guess what unit that will be!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes I think the odd numbered are some of the nicest uniforms for some reason! And good luck with the Hessen Homburg (I assume!) :)
